About Clark Wood Elementary

Clark Wood Elementary School is located in the Borough of Elkland, Pennsylvania.  It is a K-6 institution that houses just over 300 students.  A strong emphasis is placed on reading and math, but the teachers strive to maintain the balance between social, emotional, and physical growth of our students and academics.  We wish for our children to want to come to school and enjoy their education.  We hope to promote education in our school through a mixture of personalizing student’s instruction and providing an atmosphere that is both positive and safe.

Our school works diligently to make sure that students are challenged at their appropriate level. For the past three years we have been a member of the Pennsylvania Mass Customized Consortium. For our students this means that they will be instructed in both Math and Reading in a manner that best fits their current academic strengths. It also allows for our teachers to design instruction to best fit the needs of their students. Our goal is to focus on student growth to make sure that each student gets the most out of each and every school year. This also allows our teachers to be subject specialists. The Clark Wood Elementary School works in teams to make sure that they are designing instruction that will best help students progress to the next year as seamlessly as possible. We are a Whole School Title 1 Reading school and our Title 1 team provides both instruction and specific supports to our students. They also lead our Response to Intervention team that strives to encourage all students to become proficient readers.

Many teachers and friends of our school have helped create programs for our students both during and after school. The third Thursday of each month, our school holds a “Family Reading Night”. This is a great opportunity for you to spend some time with your child reading, making crafts, and enjoying a snack. Our Home and School Association is a group of staff and parents who promote our student’s success through providing many opportunities such as assemblies, student activities, and positive rewards. Our school works with groups outside of the school to provide activities such as athletics, 4-H, Girl and Boy Scouts, and Child Evangelism Fellowship. We also hold Accelerated Reader competitions and rewards as well as our yearly Science Fair. Our Student Council provides us with activity weeks, rewards, and assemblies throughout the year.

Clark Wood Elementary School is a state approved School Wide Positive Behavior Site. Our students enjoy the rewards that they earn through showing Respect to Everyone, Acting Safely, Making Responsible Choices, and Showing Pride. We currently have teams that provide positive opportunities to our students as well as a system for supporting students who have struggles.

We are thankful for our parent and community supports and welcome you to our school.