Title I
Title I is a federal program to support literacy achievement in reading and mathematics in schools serving a high population of economically disadvantaged students. Title I supplements the local and state programs to ensure all students achieve at a high level in rigorous academic standards.
Schools qualify for Title I funds based on economic need in their community. In the Northern Tioga School district all of our elementary schools are designated Title I schools and receive this additional funding.
2024-25 NTSD Title_I_Brochure_
2024-25 Clark Wood Title I Annual Parent Notice
2024-25 RB Walter Title I Annual Parent Notice
2024-25 Westfield Title I Annual Parent Notice
Title I improves student achievement through a variety of methods and activities in our schools:
Additional Staffing: Title I funds provide extra reading and math teachers, as well as support professionals, at our Title I schools.
Rigorous Academic Standards: The progress of all our students is monitored throughout the year to ensure they are meeting high goals.
Early Identification and Intervention: Students are assessed for additional service and receive instruction based on their needs. We offer intervention through additional teachers, computer-based programs, and classroom strategies.
Family Engagement: Our district encourages all parents to participate in their child’s education and provides many ways to become involved. To support a child’s reading instruction, Northern Tioga School District has Follett Destiny, CSIU, Accelerated Reader, ConnectED, and Study Island available for parents and children to use. These programs are available on the NTSD website (www.ntiogasd.org). NTSD parents are encouraged to utilize ReadyRosie.com and BringingUp.com. Trainings for these programs will be provided to parents during orientation nights, conferences, or any convenient time for parents/guardians.
Professional Development: Courses and workshops for teachers are held throughout the year.
Northern Tioga School District has only Highly Qualified Teachers teaching in academic core subjects. Parents of students participating in Title I programs may request information regarding the professional qualifications of academic core teachers by calling the superintendent’s office at (814) 258-5656 or in person at the Northern Tioga School District Administration Office, 110 Ellison Road, Elkland, anytime during business hours which are Monday through Friday, 7:00 a.m. – 3:30 p.m.
You can also contact Becky Koehler, Principal of Academic Affairs, for more information at 814-258-5646, ext. 1036 or rebecca.koehler@ntiogasd.org
2024-25 Clark Wood Family Engagement Policy
2024-25 Clark Wood Title I School Parent Guardian Student Compact
2024-25 RB Walter Parent and Family Engagement Policy
2024-25 RB Walter School Parent Guardian Compact
2024-25 Westfield Area ES Title I Parent-and-Family-Engagement-Policy
2024-25 Westfield Title I School Parent Guardian Student Compact