Wellness Policy
Northern Tioga School District recognizes that schools play a critical role in promoting student health, preventing childhood obesity, and combating problems associated with poor nutrition and physical inactivity. We have developed a new wellness policy providing information to meet our wellness goals.
Click here to review Northern Tioga School District’s Wellness Policy:
Click here to review Northern Tioga School District’s Triennial Assessment and Report:
NTSD Triennial Assessment and Report Updated July 2023
Members of the Wellness Committee of Northern Tioga School District, met and completed a Triennial Assessment of the school’s Wellness Policy. This assessment is required by PA Department of Education every 3 years, and measures the extent to which schools are in compliance with their Wellness Policy. A variety of suggestions for improvement were made. Any suggestions or questions regarding the wellness policy process may be directed to Becky Koehler at rebecca.koehler@ntiogasd.org