Curriculum & Instruction
Curriculum is more than the courses of instruction that we offer in our schools. Our Curriculum is based on the Pennsylvania Standards. The standards are designed to help students fulfill grade level progress as they progress towards graduation. The Northern Tioga School District has created various options for our students as they matriculate through the curriculum. We offer content courses in the traditional classroom setting, Blended-Schools instruction (a combination of traditional classes and VLN Online Courses), dual enrollment with local colleges, and virtual instruction through VLN.
How we support and develop student learning is outlined by Pennsylvania’s Standards Aligned System (SAS) which includes clear standards, fair assessments, a focused curriculum framework, best-practices for instruction, appropriate materials and resources, and planned interventions. When we speak of a Standards Aligned System, we are focusing our efforts with the central focus of Student Achievement.
Northern Tioga School District uses a 2-year cycle for data/instructional analysis, curriculum review, and program purchase. The graphic below depicts the two year cycle.
For more information, please contact Becky Koehler, Principal of Academic Affairs at 814-258-5646, ext. 1036 or
Curriculum Revision Cycle Click on the link to view the curriculum revision cycle.
If you would like to learn more about Learning Focused Schools go to
Standard Aligned Systems may be accessed at