About Clark Wood Elementary
Clark Wood Elementary School is located in the Borough of Elkland, Pennsylvania. It is a K-6 institution that houses around three hundred students. A strong emphasis is placed on reading and math instruction, but the teachers strive to maintain the balance between academics and social, emotional, and physical growth of out students. We wish for our children to want to come to school and enjoy their education. We strive to promote education in our school through a mixture of standardized state curriculum expectations and levelled expectations while providing an atmosphere that is both positive and safe.
Our school works diligently to make sure that students are challenged at their level with a goal of student growth in all areas. While meeting state expectations is important, our goal is to promote the growth of the whole student.
The Clark Wood Elementary School works in teams to make sure that they are designing instruction that will help our students progress to the next year as seamlessly as possible. We are a Whole School Title 1 Reading school, and our Title 1 team provides both instruction and specific supports to our students. They also lead our Multi-Tiered System of Support (MTSS) program that helps students become proficient in their studies. Our school district has provided additional staff and materials to help us reach these goals.
Many teachers and friends of our school have helped create programs for our students both during and after school. Our Family Reading Night team hold several events throughout the year. This is a terrific opportunity for you to spend time with your child reading, making crafts, and enjoying a snack together while meeting other families from our school. Our Home and School Association is a group of staff and parents who promote our student’s success through providing many opportunities such as assemblies, student and community activities, and positive rewards. Our Student Council and staff use Accelerated Reader as a method of encouraging students to read independently. Competitions and rewards are used to promote reading successes. Our district and staff work with the Tioga County Partnership for Community Health and The Valley Youth Initiative to provide various programs for our students. The include a weekly food backpack program, a free shoe and coat program, and an afterschool tutoring program. We are grateful for their partnership.
The Clark Wood Elementary School is proud of our RAMS Positive Behavior and Support program (PBIS). Student are encouraged to R-respect everyone, A-act safely, M-make responsible choices, and S-show pride. Our RAMS PBIS program is reviewed each year by the state, and we have earned approval from the state as having state recognized PBIS programming at all three levels. These are Tier 1-whole school, Tier 2-interventionary support, Tier 3-advanced supports. Our RAMS program supports positive actions and interventions that help our students and staff reach our goals. We have a dedicated group of staff that works hard to make sure that this program is a success.
We are thankful for our parent and community supports and welcome you to our school.